Thursday, October 25, 2007

What Flower Are You?

For theme 16, Tesse, the site owner, asks us to think of ourselves as a flower. I have several favourites; pansies, the rose, the gerbera daisy, and wild violets. I chose the latter, because when my husband and I lived in our second house, I wrote a poem about the ones which visited our backyard every spring.

I googled them, and found that they're considered a weed by gardeners! Have our pestecided, artificially turfed yards blinded us to the beauty of wild things? If I had a house today, I'd plant my yard in wildflowers of different kinds, or simply let the wild violets take over. What a treat it would be to walk barefoot among them!


Judy Wise said...

Think of ourselves as a flower - what a wonderful exercise! I've always thought of myself as moss so I think perhaps I'm a chamomile flower; fragrant but not showy. Thanks for the prompt!

Dieverdog said...

I get violets in my backyard,too and I love them... I hate to mow them over they are so pretty... I even like dandelions, too which are also considered a weed... I used to pick them for my mother when I was a little thing, thinking how beautiful they were! I think it's funny what some consider junk or trash and others can see the beauty in them. There's something good in nearly everything if you look hard! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely messages!